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I'm right now a freelance multimedia expert. I can create websites, graphic designs, flash, 3d animations, and promote. My current employer right now is Bootamack Entertainment record label of Newark, NJ. I went to school at Northampton Community College and have not finished yet due to some issues, but they are getting better now so its not heavy. Anyways I'm originally from New Jersey but live in Easton, Pennsylvania. As for my life's story? Lets just say I went through a whole lot. So lets talk about work ethnic. I'm a dedicated worker and I always put my all into a project. Could be shy at first but easy to work with and also understanding. If your interested in hiring me for a freelance job or even an official job, feel free to drop a message, email or follow! As for my other talents and dreams, I can act and sing too and would also like to catch an acting gig too if possible. If you would like to know more just email me at and I will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you and hope to hear from you soon!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Self Defense Logo

This is my first designed logo that was not a school assignment, but was used for a club for self defense in the college I was going to and was a member of.

Image Replace Replica

This was my school assignment that I had to replace a person on a certain cover with my own image, resembling to the original as close as possible.

Magazine Cover

This is my first assignment for school. Its a magazine cover that I had to design for any type of magazine.

Business Design Marketing

These are the design that me and my group had to design for a business as an assignment for school.

Back Envolupe 

Business Card
 Front Envelope
 Business Logo

Castle Design Replica

This is a castle scenery that also was a school assignment which I created from a picture of the scene.

Value Portrait

This is another school assignment called Value Portrait. It was the hardest out of the three, but was my biggest success.

Letter Portrait

This is another one of my school assignments in school. This one I had to draw myself out using just letters. It was a bit harder than it looked, but was able to match it up.

Line Potrait

This was done as a school assignment. Its basically an outline of myself with a shades and a towel around my neck as you can tell with the compared picture of myself